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Donate, Sponsor, Adopt, Volunteer, Share

Sometimes we rescue horses, sometimes we rescue people!

Our goal is to bring peace and calm into the middle of chaos for incoming horses!





Email Address*

Phone Number*

Place of Employment


Are you a student? If so, where?

Who will be paying for the adoption fee and the upkeep of the horse and/or board fees, etc?

Have you ever owned a horse? Tell us about it.

What type of riding do you want to do? What type of horse?

Do you need educational assistance with the care and training of the horse?

Will there be other riders/owners/horses nearby?

What is your level of riding experience?

Do you have a run in shed or barn? If you have a barn, please describe:

What type of fencing do you have?

What type of watering system do you have?

Do you have a trailer? Vehicle to pull it? Or a horse transporter?

What would you do in an emergency?

Are you planning to board? If so, where?

Vet Reference:

Farrier reference:

Have you ever returned any animal or had any animal seized or been banned from adopting from any agency, animal control or humane society? If so, please explain:

McConathy Farm Rescue Team is a 501(c)3 non-profit entity that provides care, rehabilitation, and adoption services for equines that have been abandoned, surrendered, or seized by law enforcement. We agree to place this animal with the Adopting Party from this day forward with the understanding that if at any time he/she can no longer keep or provide proper care of him (i.e., shots, deworming, farrier, veterinarian care, feed and water and shelter) he/she will be returned to MFRT as an owner surrender horse with no refund. By signing below Adopting Party swears and affirms that he/she is not a reseller or kill buyer. This animal is NOT to be sold or rehomed.

***Remember, it is only when we work together that we can stop neglect or abuse. If you see something, please call, text, email, or Facebook message us. Your report will remain completely confidential and we will work with our partners to help make that animal's life better. Help us create a better world!


5032 White's Lane

Lexington KY, 40515

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